The world’s first digital bulk coin sensor. Faster than ever. Easier than ever. More accurate and reliable than ever – 99.98% or better coin counting accuracy!
CTcoin technology is approved by the Deutsche Bundesbank and is in line with §36 BBKKG and in compliance with EU regulations no. 1338/2001 of 28 june 2001 article 6.
CTcoin technology has been approved by the Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN) and is in line with EU Regulation No. 1210/2010 of 15 December, 2010.
CTcoin machines are developed and manufactured in Denmark using top quality components, material and skilled competent labour.
CTcoin is introducing the most reliable, durable, fastest and accurate coin counting technology
15. March 2020 / by Webkommunikator / Coin counting technology
Most advanced coin detection system ever seen The patent pending SMARTconcept is the next generation of coin counting technology with ground breaking features that meet future requirements within the field of coin counting, sorting and recycling technology. A never seen before highly intelligent software is embedded in the system, which analyzes, detects and approves coins […]
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